
Why Boudoir Photography?


Sometimes I find it hard to put into words why I shoot boudoir photography. For me, it’s more than just photographs. It’s about self confidence, self acceptance, appreciating where you are today, and it’s also an art form. It’s getting glammed head to toe, laughing and cracking jokes, having fun! The transformation that happens between the time you book, the time you shoot with us and the time you leave the studio is only something you can understand once you do it. I believe every single woman deserves this experience.

When I began my boudoir photography journey it was completely an accident. I was working with up and coming models and had a passion for helping them find and see their unique individual beauty for themselves and the more we photographed the more women started requesting this transformative experience. I knew that I could show any woman who walked through my door their unique beauty and I loved showing them something they never thought they could see in themselves. For the first time for so many women they truly FELT beautiful and best of all, they believed it!

The Transformation:

The transformation that takes place in our studio is the best part of the entire experience for our team. We LOVE when a woman arrives in our studio, most of the time she’s very nervous, might have thought she shouldn’t do this, almost backed out, hands are shaky and sweat in every body part. The magic? Once they sit down in the chair with out beauty team, the real transformation begins. The nervous woman in the chair quickly starts to smile, laugh and let loose all the anxious feelings that she had coming in.

Once the beauty team is done it’s time to shoot! My favorite part, and quickly theirs too. The first few shots allows us to get you warmed up to the idea, allows you to shake off any extra nerves that may still be there and as we move through things we show you behind the scenes images that help you feel completely at ease. I usually hear “HOLY CRAP I’M HOT” and ” NO WAY THATS ME”. We laugh and I reassure them, that IS you. It has been all along.

My story and a little about me

I had no idea how impactful boudoir was until I had this experience for myself, years before I began offering it to our clientele. I was in and out of the hospital in my youth for a deadly eating disorder, where my relationship to my body was extremely distorted and the self image I had relied solely on my weight and my weight determined my value and worth as a woman. I was terrified to be seen in lingerie, let alone how dare I do a boudoir shoot and spend any money on myself I thought. And as the days got closer to this event, I shuttered in fear.

Oh how glad I am that I did this, and soon after I had many more shoots! Each time I accepted myself deeper and deeper and I trusted that I was valuable, that the number meant nothing and that I was sexy, hot even, beautiful and everything in between.

That boudoir shoot saved my life in the best ways possible.

Are you interested in booking your very own boudoir experience with us?

Join our women’s only VIP group and come to get empowered!